This policy has been drawn up by eXus Development, located at Oscar Colbrandtstraat 12, 9040 Gent Belgium. eXus Development respects your privacy. In this statement we would like to inform you how eXus Development collects, uses and protects personal data.
eXus Market collects only the personal data that is necessary to be able to perform our services.
In order to place a sales advertisement on our site, the user is required to register. Subsequently, the following personal details of the user are collected and stored in the database:
Email - Required. Used as a user ID and for communications, to receive communications from us and potential buyers.
First name, Last name, Password, Category, Phone - Required. Collected to identify the user, to determine the user category as an individual or company.
Postal Code, City, Region, Country - Required. Collected to determine user's location and serve ads by city, region, or country.
Description, Street - Not required. Purely informative, collected and displayed on the user's profile.
Company, VAT Number, Website - Not required. This data is collected only from the companies, not applicable to individuals, is displayed only on the sales advertisements and the profiles of companies.
Name, Email - This data is only used to be able to send a message to the e-mail address of us or the user seller, to identify the sender and to reply to his message. Not stored in database.
The user always has the right to edit his data himself or to have it changed through us.
My Profile --> Edit --> Save or
The user always has the right to delete his data himself or through us.
My Profile --> Edit --> Delete or
The user always has the right to receive a copy of his data by email or post
eXus Development makes every effort to protect your personal data and privacy by taking technical and physical measures.
The information we collect is not shared with third parties.
From time to time we may change our privacy policy, so we recommend that you check it regularly. Last change 09.12.2023.